Triumph Spitfire


Triumph Spitfire

Spare parts for Triumph Spitfire.

We carry a wide range of parts for all Spitfire cars.

We can help with your restoration / rebuild by importing from specialists all over the world and offering you the comfort of buying locally.

If you don't see what you are looking for in the categories below, or need some advice, please contact us on 09 9157179 or email

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Triumph Courtesy Switch - Interior Light - 2 terminal (Lucar)- YKC931

Triumph  Courtesy Switch - Interior Light - 2 terminal (Lucar)- YKC931These items are sour..

$24.27 AUD

Triumph & MG 1500 Rocker Assembly Oil Feed Pipe - TT1226

Triumph Rocker Oil Feed Pipe - TT1226This braided stainless oil feed line will get full oil pressure..

$147.59 AUD

Triumph & Rover Courtesy Light - Door Operated Switch. YKC940Z

Door jamb interior light switch YKC940Z Can also be used to trigger boot lights and for other cus..

$16.76 AUD

Triumph "T Logo" Pedal Rubber (sold as a Pair) 122289-SetA

A Pair of Pedal rubbers to suit  Triumph TR3 - TR6 Herald, Triumph Spitfire  and TR6 ..

$10.34 AUD

Triumph Bonnet Buffer Locater Cone (Pair) 612962IMPROVED-SetA

Triumph Bonnet Buffer - Locater Cone  (Pair)    612962IMPROVED-SetASold as a set..

$19.21 AUD

Triumph Brake & Clutch Master Cylinder - various applications, GMC205Z

Triumph Brake & Clutch Master Cylinder - various applications, GMC205ZGMC205 Pattern part. Maste..

$117.20 AUD

Triumph Disc Brake Pads Spitfire Herald & Vitesse (Type 12 Calipers) GBP166

Triumph Disc Brake Pads Spitfire Herald & Vitesse  (Type 12 Calipers)   GBP166Sem..

$41.34 AUD

Triumph Door Check Strap Pin Kit - 613239FK

Triumph Door Check Strap Pin Kit - 613239FKThe pin that goes into the door stay check arm on the doo..

$6.03 AUD

Triumph Door Handle Springs GT6 Spitfire TR4-TR6 (Set of 2) 603382-SetA

Triumph Door Handle Springs GT6 Spitfire TR4-TR6 (Set of 2) 603382-SetADoor panel to door frame spri..

$8.64 AUD

Triumph Exhaust Flexible Bracket Clamp Plate 105290 (set of 2) GEX7510-SetA

Triumph Exhaust Flexible Bracket Clamp Plate 105290 (set of 2) GEX7510-SetAThis is a Triumph part bu..

$7.61 AUD

Triumph Front Bonnet Seal. Triumph Spitfire, GT6, TR4, TR5, TR6. 610675

Triumph Bonnet Seal. 610675Front Bonnet seal. Triumph Herald Spitfire, GT6, TR4, TR5, TR6Not only us..

$19.93 AUD

Triumph Front Wheel Hub Grease Caps . Sold as a Pair 102689-SetA

Triumph Front Wheel Hub Grease Caps . Sold as a Pair   102689-SetATriumph grease caps. Whe..

$17.76 AUD

Triumph Header Rail Seal Spitfire TR4 - TR6 616187

Triumph Header Rail Seal Spitfire TR4 - TR6  616187This item is supplied NEW This par..

$30.35 AUD

Triumph Heater Return Hose. Triumph Spitfire 152523

Heater Return Hose. Triumph Spitfire MKI - 1500.   152523Typically suits all models of Tri..

$10.45 AUD

Triumph Herald & Spitfire Exhaust Clamp Bracket. 35mm GEX7512-SetA

Triumph Herald & Spitfire MK2 Exhaust Clamp Bracket.  35mm    GEX7512-SetAIntern..

$10.93 AUD

Triumph Herald & Triumph Spitfire Mechanical Fuel Pump. 208493Z

Triumph Herald & Triumph  Spitfire  Mechanical Fuel Pump. 208493ZSuits Triumph Spitfir..

$86.80 AUD

Triumph Herald Spitfire & Vitesse Exterior Boot Hinges Sold as a Pair 604917/8

Triumph Herald Spitfire & Vitesse Boot Hinges  Sold as a Pair 604917/8Pair of new chrome bo..

$112.88 AUD

Triumph Hinged Sun Visor Mounting Kit - RR1461

Triumph Hinged Sun Visor Mounting Kit - RR1461Mounting Kit for Hinged Sun Visors Complete ki..

$234.43 AUD

Triumph Hub Caps to fit Spitfire, Vitesse, GT6, Herald. Chrome (Set of 4) 122806-SetA

Triumph Hub Cap  to fit Spitfire, Vitesse, GT6, Herald.  Chrome (Set of 4)  122806-Se..

$332.84 AUD