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Distributor Vacuum Pipe Connector Set - Rubber 12B20-SetA

Distributor Vacuum Pipe Connector Set - Rubber 12B20-SetADistributor vacuum pipe Set Two pieces.Sold..

$6.09 AUD

Distributor Vacuum Plastic pipe with Two Rubber connectors. 37H4229MKIT

Distributor vacuum plastic pipe with rubber connectors. 37H4229MKITIncludes the pipe and the Straigh..

$13.06 AUD

DRB112 reproduction fully bonded rotor arm - Daimler V8 DRB112

DRB112 reproduction fully bonded rotor arm - Daimler V8    DRB112Genuine Lucas rotor arm S..

$42.87 AUD

Lucas Contact Points - 20d8 Distributor Rolls Royce & Daimler V8 DSB110 136104/4#LUCAS

Lucas Contact Points  - 20d8 Distributor  Rolls Royce & Daimler V8    DSB110..

$41.92 AUD

Lucas Distributor Cap Lucas 20D8 Distributor DDB118

DDB118 - Lucas 20D8 Distributor Cap Screw Fit DDB118 (Genuine Lucas)This is a distributor cap t..

$127.19 AUD