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Gasket Set Cylinder Head BMC A Series Engine (NOT 1275cc) Morris Minor & more AJM102

BMC A Series Head Gasket Set (NOT 1275cc)  AJM102Head gasket (Valve regrind) set, all the gaske..

$26.14 AUD

Gasket Thermostat Composite BMC A & B Series Engines GUG705558GM

Thermostat Gasket Composite  BMC A & B Series Engines    GUG705558GMBMC A Series ..

$5.18 AUD

Gearbox Mount Steady Rod Buffer (Pair) MGB and BMC 1G8781-SetA

Gearbox Mount Steady Rod Buffer (Pair) MGB and BMC  1G8781-SetAGearbox steady rod buffer 1962 -..

$8.70 AUD

Leather Key Fob - BMC Stitched Leather KEYFOBBMC

BMC Stitched Leather Key Fob          KEYFOBBMCBritish Motor CorporationEle..

$13.96 AUD

Lucas 25D Distributor Vacuum Unit Only IA_25_vac

IA_25D_lucas - Lucas 25D Distributor Vacuum UnitReplacement vacuum advance unit for the Lucas 2..

$52.25 AUD

Lucas 45d Distributor Vacuum Unit. AAU2233

Lucas 45d Distributor Vacuum Unit. AAU2233If you find that your vacuum advance on your 45d Lucas Dis..

$34.85 AUD

Lucas Indicator Flasher Unit SFB100 / 35010 FL5 Original GFU2101LUCAS

Lucas Indicator Flasher Unit SFB100 / 35010 FL5 Original  GFU2101LUCASFlasher Unit, indicators,..

$30.46 AUD

Lucas Type Distributor Cap DK4A & DKH4-4A CA31

Quality Aftermarket Distributor Cap This is the cap that takes HT leads entering into the top. ..

$56.60 AUD

Lucas Type Headlamp Adjuster Screw and Spring Kit. BHM7058

Lucas Headlamp Adjuster Screw and Spring Kit. BHM7058Lucas 2-point headlamp adjuster screw and sprin..

$15.63 AUD

Lucas Type RB340 Dynamo or Generator Control Box Voltage Regulator GEU6605

Dynamo or Generator Control Box  Voltage Regulator. MGB, Midget, Mini, Spitfire. 12V GEU6605Luc..

$78.43 AUD

Main Bearing Cap Locktab for A-Series Engines (excludes 1275cc). (Set of 6 Pieces) 6K927-SetA

Main Bearing Cap Lock-tab for A-Series Engines  (excludes 1275cc). 6K927Main bearing cap lock-t..

$17.42 AUD

MG & BMC Water Pump & Gasket - GWP103

MG & BMC Water Pump & Gasket   - GWP103MGA Water Pump & Gasket   - G..

$90.59 AUD

MG TD & TF and others. Front wheel cylinder LK30284

Front wheel cylinder LK30284  MG TD, TF, 1950 - 1955 MG Y type, 1952 - 1953 Wolseley 4..

$64.14 AUD

MGB & BMC Timing Chain Tensioner Lock-tab AEC340

Lock-tab for timing chain tensioner. AEC340. MGA 1955 >MGB Roadster 1962 - 1980MGB GT 1962 - 1..

$6.05 AUD

MGB & MGA & BMC Camshaft Retaining & Thrust Plate. 12H1673

MGB & MGA & BMC Camshaft Retaining & Thrust Plate. 12H1673Camshaft retaining / thrust pl..

$49.82 AUD

Mini Engine to Gearbox Nut Bolt & Washer Mounting Kit. MSSK060

Mini engine to gearbox nut and bolt kit. Contains all nuts, bolts and washers to fit gearbox to e..

$19.29 AUD

Mini MG Midget Morris Minor rocker post spacer shim plate. 2A515

Mini MG Midget Morris Minor rocker post spacer shim plate. 2A515Spacers for under the rocker pedesta..

$9.54 AUD

Oil Filler Cap - BMC Original Metal Style with Retention Cable 8G612

Oil Filler Cap BMC Original Style Steel Cap with retention cable   8G612Original Metal Sty..

$30.01 AUD

Oil Filler Cap - Chrome - BMC 8G612CP

Oil Filler Cap - Chrome - BMC  8G612CPChrome aftermarket Oil Filler Cap to suit many BMC vehicl..

$23.96 AUD